DIY Beauty Hacks to Save Money as a Student

From mixing cornstarch and baby powder together to create a dry shampoo substitute, to creating fresh body scrubs from coffee grounds and coconut oil, there are so many homemade beauty products that can help mix up your routine and save you money along the way. Natural yoghurt and honey are two things you might have in your student accommodation kitchen anyway, and when mixed together they make a face mask that gives you a serious glow!

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Easy Side Hustles for Students

With books to buy, nights out to enjoy and bellies to fill with healthy food, it can be tough to make your student budget stretch. That’s where so-called “side hustling” comes in – you can earn small amounts of cash to top up your budget by completing various tasks. This gives you a little bit more money per month to play with, and will hopefully help ease some of the stress of being on a student budget.

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So you’re moved in – what next?

Moving into student accommodation might make you feel like you’ve got a never ending to do list. We know the feeling! That’s why we take one thing straight off that list for you: all Cityheart Living residents get FREE contents insurance included, so there’s no need to worry.   Why do you need contents insurance?…

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12 books with Summer in the title

Reading might not be top of your to-do list over the Summer while you’re off uni, but it’s always good to keep your brain working and escape into a world of fiction! With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of books with the word ‘Summer’ in the title for you to sink your teeth into over the break – particularly perfect if you’re off on holiday, too…

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What’s on in Hereford this Summer?

The weather might not be playing ball in quite the way we’d hoped, but there are still plenty of interesting things happening in Hereford over the next couple of months. We’ve compiled the most fun, student budget-friendly things to do in Hereford this Summer!   Bands in the Park 2024   Jump on the bus…

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Is studying abroad right for you?

If there’s one surefire way to gain a whole heap of independence, it’s to study abroad – living alone (or with relative strangers) in a foreign country will be a huge boost to your confidence. You’ll have to go food shopping in unfamiliar supermarkets, navigate a public transport network you’re not used to, and much more…

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The Best Side Hustles for Students

As a student, you’re probably always looking for ways to make your money go further – buying fewer clothes, meal prepping, walking instead of taking taxis… and that’s all great but what if we told you there are some fun and easy ways to make some money during your studies, that don’t take up the same amount of time as a part-time job?

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How to reduce food waste as a student

Aim to do a big shop once a week or once a fortnight, and make sure you’re only buying what you need or will use. And some little treats, of course! It’s so important to reduce food waste as a student, both to save money and have less of a negative impact on the planet. You’ve got this!

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Themed cocktails for students to make

A cocktail night at your student accommodation is such a fun idea – and you can theme your cocktail creation around your course to make something which really reflects who you are! You might have seen this idea going around on TikTok, and we’ve got some great ideas for you below…

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Answering your Cityheart Living FAQs

We know that moving into student accommodation for the first time can seem complicated, scary and a bit confusing. But it doesn’t have to be, and we’ve popped together some of our most asked questions below – with detailed answers so you know exactly where you’re at.   Can I view a room at Cityheart…

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Christmas is about being together, having fun, eating too much cheese and taking naps whenever you want. It’s not about giving multiple gifts and getting into debt – as a student, saving money where you can is super important!

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Productivity Tips for a New Term

As we creep towards a new term, it’s important to start thinking about how you can become your most productive self this academic year. It’s important to find the right balance between having fun at university and investing in your studies, so here are some of our best productivity tips for a new term…

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The Staples for Your University Wardrobe

You might have less space than you do at home, and carting multiple suitcases with you to your accommodation can be a nightmare! But that being said, you do need enough clothes that you’re not constantly having to do laundry. With all of this in mind, here are some staples that you need to pack with you for your university wardrobe!

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Cleaning Hacks for Students

Moving into student accommodation is, for many people, the first time they’ve moved out of the family home. Living alone (well, sort of) can take some time to adjust to – and cleaning is something you might not be up to speed on if your parents have always taken on that responsibility. So, here are some cleaning hacks and tips for student accommodation ahead of move-in date!

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Ways to Give Back as a Student

Giving back to society is a really important habit to get into, and if you can establish this as part of your life during your time as a student it will set you in good stead to continue this into adulthood. There are many opportunities to give back as a student, and we’ll share some in this blog post to give you an idea.

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Tips for Studying Outdoors this Spring

As the summer months slowly come around and we also reach exam season, it’s tempting to study outdoors so you can get away from being cooped up inside. Fresh air and vitamin D is good for the soul, so we definitely recommend studying outside if you can! Here are some tips for making it totally productive…

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How to De-Stress as a Student

We know feeling stressed can ruin your day, so hopefully these tips have given you some ideas for how to de-stress as a student. Even though Stress Awareness Month is coming to an end, it’s vital we still feel able to reach out for support – be sure to get in touch with your student support services when needed.

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Easy Veganuary Recipes for Students

In January, people across the world unite to take part in ‘January’ – a month of completely cutting out meat and dairy products. This is good for detoxing after any over-indulgence, and of course it’s also fantastic for the environment. If you want to give it a go yourself this year, look no further than our easy Veganuary recipes for students!

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Budget Fancy Dress Ideas for Students

If there’s one thing that pretty much comes with the territory of being a student, it’s fancy dress. Whether it’s during freshers week or for a specific night out with your sports team or society, you’re likely going to need to dress up as something during your time at university. But there’s no point spending…

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Student Nightlife in Hereford

Nightlife and going out is a big part of many peoples’ university experience. From freshers week to cheap student nights throughout the year, there will be many occasions to go out, let your hair down and have a few drinks. We’ve put together a list of some of the best student-friendly bars, pubs and clubs…

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Top Tips for Applying to University

Applying for university can be a daunting prospect in so many ways. There are a lot of different choices, and you probably have a lot of questions about courses, institutions, accommodation, locations and more. We’ve compiled some top tips for applying to university below, to help you feel more comfortable as you embark on this…

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Budget Friendly Things to Do in Gloucester

Your time at university shouldn’t be *all* about your studies – that’s how students become burnt out and overwhelmed. Having a healthy work-life balance is really important. And having that on a budget? That’s the trifecta! We’ve found some of the best budget-friendly things to do in Gloucester during your downtime – none of which…

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